Clarisse Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Computerization The Most Powerful Tool for Businesses Today

While the computer is a "tool" rather than a discipline, it is such an important, time saving tool that its proper and strategic use in modern business is critical to maximize information access and profitable decision making.

Small businesses today face growing inventory requirements, increased customer expectations, rising costs and intense competition. Moreover, if you plan to do business with the federal government you will need electronic commerce capability.

Computers can provide information that leads to better returns on investment. At the same time, they help you cope with the many other pressures of your business. Computers are not cure-alls, however, and considerable care should be given to: (1) deciding if you need one, (2) selecting the best system (or personal computer) for your business, (3) selecting the most relevant software for your needs, and (4) ensuring that you can easily operate the system.

It has been said that to err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer. No matter how many or what type computers your business may have, they are machines and subject to failure. Make sure you back up your computer files!

Use a tape drive or a Zip drive to back up all the data and programs on your computers or on your network computer. There are many brands available so the four things you need to compare are price, features, compatibility and ease of installation.

Here are a couple more backup tips:

1) It is great to backup your system, but if you leave the disk lying next to the computer, and then have it destroyed, it will not do you much good. Store your backup disk away from your computer and even outside the office if concerned about fire.

2) Back up your system regularly. Can you afford to lose a months data since your last backup? A weeks data?

3) Remember that backups are machines also, and if your data is so important that you could not do without it, consider the old fashion way, printing.

It pays to be cautious when it comes to the lifeblood of your business--information. There is NOTHING worse then trying to install new software and having your computer has turned into a creature from hell on you. Here are a few tips to help limit your chances of business interruptions or data loss disasters AND help you keep on a friendly basis with your computer.

Make sure you back everything up first. Before installing any software program, operating system or upgrade, perform a complete backup of your current system. This step is extremely important when the software you're installing affects or replaces your operating system. Include everything, especially software you may not wish to install separately should the need arise. Be sure to include all system files and any work files that could become lost or damaged.

If in doubt--use a professional. Don't try to "go it alone." It's far better to seek assistance than to risk damaging or destroying equipment or files or crashing your system.

You may be tempted to put off upgrading or buying new equipment-after all, every year, the machines get more powerful, and the options more plentiful. But if you wait, you trade the dollars you save for the price of slower performance and possibly fewer software choices. So when should you upgrade your equipment? Here are some guidelines:

The basic rule of thumb is this: Start with what you want to accomplish. If your computer doesn't do it well, it's time to look at new solutions.

If obsolescence is a concern, be comforted by the fact that you don't have to upgrade every time a manufacturer makes an improvement. Assess key improvements-such as faster modems, improved processors, and better monitors-that truly impact performance and go from there. And if you dont want to invest in a whole new system, upgrading individual components such as your computer's memory, processor, and hard disk can be an affordable way to boost your PC's performance-and your productivity.

Dr. James A. McCain is a Management Consultant in Rexford, New York and may be reached at Business Works, 518-383-3337, or through his web site at Blog11026
Amandine Blog93366

Mind Over Matter

Mind over matter could mean the difference between winning and losing.

To be a winner you must think like a winner and believe with all your heart that you are a winner.

If you have the slightest doubts as to your ability to win then forget about what ever project you are thinking about.

Your state of mind is the centre of your being, if you have a strong belief in yourself plus the desire to succeed you will succeed.

If you think you are beaten, you are,

If you think you dare not, you don't,

If you want to win but you think you can't,

It is almost certain you won't,

Mind over matter. If your thoughts run along those lines above you are a loser, and you will stay a loser, unless you take the decision to change your state of mind.

You might be at your wits end without a cent to your name and because of this state you are at a low ebb.

Your mind is telling you that you are finished and your life will never change for the better.

You must start off by realising that you have reached the bottom of the pit and the only way you can go now is up.

It may be slow, but it must be sure.

Start imagining that you have loads of money and work out what you will do with the money, straight away your mind will start lighten.

This is the day when you must take the decision to start on that road upwards.

You must desire something, and I mean really desire it. It might be a job, or a way to start making money, you need to get your self esteem back in order.

Start by believing in yourself, You are as good as the next person and if they can do it so can you.

Get a pen and paper and sit down and write a list of all the things you can do and the things you think, you can do.

One of the easiest ways to get started for a man who is out of work and down to his last cent is this. ( this idea just sprang into my mind)

First of all spruce yourself up. If you feel good about yourself it will show through. Walk out of of your front door and take a stroll about your local neighbourhood or even a bit further.

Take note of the gardens in the area, many of them will be in need of a bit of care and attention due probably because the owners are working full time or to elderly to work in the gardens.

Jot down streets and numbers where you think the owners might appreciate some help.

When you have a reasonable list go home and begin working on leaflet you can easily deliver by hand.

You just need to say you are available for keeping gardens neat and tidy or any small odd jobs that require doing.

You do not have to be a landscape gardener or have any experience, just general common sense and the willingness to work is all that is needed.

You could make a starting out offer that can't be refused such as two hours work for the price of one for the first job.

As you know everyone is doing just that in a bid to win over the competition.

You will not be in competition but it will show prospective employers that you are really willing and keen.

This may not be the start you imagined but remember from little acorns oak trees grow.

It could snowball and you could find yourself employing others to do the jobs while you sit at home doing the office work.

That is just an instance, an idea that sprang into my mind on how you could start from having nothing to building up a business.

These ideas can work if you really desire to become a man of substance, only you can make them work but you must have faith in yourself and believe you are a winner.

It is mind over matter, repeat these words daily till you really start to believe in them.

(My name is xxxxxx, I am a winner and I will succeed with anything I set my mind to, I am going to be a success and a leader of men.)

Repeat this to yourself two or three times a day until it is deeply embedded in your mind.

Keep looking at the list you have written on things you can do, or things you believe you can do and some idea will be born in your mind on what you should do

Remember that saying, from little acorns huge oak trees grow. What ever you start even if it is not the sort of job you envisaged, like cleaning windows, walking dogs, baby sitting, doing odd jobs, cleaning cars, any thing that can be started from scratch without a cent in the kitty.

It can grow into a big concern if you believe you are a winner.

Sylvia White is a home business Mentor and webmaster of Horus Blog22463
Mangue Blog79817

Seven Ways To Promote Your New Website

Once you have built your new website, you dont have time to sit back and admire your creation, the work is just beginning. Thousands of web pages are being added to the Internet every day and if you want your page to be visited, then you have to make special efforts to promote your site. No two sites are equal and there may be a particular promotion method that works best for you, however, here are seven methods that you can consider before launching your promotion campaign:

1. Get your site listed in the major search engines.

At the present time most Internet traffic is delivered by three search engines: Google, Yahoo and MSN. If you want free traffic, then your site must be listed in these search engines and it must appear prominently when someone makes a query using a keyword or phrase that is related to your business or your activity. Getting listed is not a big problem as the three major search engines use spiders(robotic programs) that scour the Internet constantly looking for new sites. The best way to be found by the spiders is to get a link to your site from a website that is already listed in the search engines. Ask your web designer, your hosting firm, your friends or business associates to link to your new site.

After a few weeks check to see if your site is listed in the search engines. If you are not listed then you will have to manually submit your site using these urls: Google: . Yahoo: and MSN:

2. Distribute an Online Press Release.

In the offline world of business, whenever your company does something new you should let the media know about it by issuing a press release. The same goes for the Internet. Write a one page press release, around 400 words, letting the world know about your new website. Put emphasis on the aspect of your business or website that you think is newsworthy. The press release can be distributed through online services such as . If you write a good release it will picked up by journalists, by blog publishers and webmasters looking for news.

3. Participate in Forums and Blogs Related to Your Industry

The Internet is becoming more interactive with each passing day. If you want to get known then you have to take part in this interactivity. Visit blogs and forums that are of interest to you. Learn something from them, and from time to time leave a comment. Dont try to push your website or business, but add something useful to the conversation, and of course put your websites address in your signature.

4. Write and distribute articles about your area of expertise

Webmasters and newsletter publishers are hungry for good content. If you write a 500-800 word article about a topic that is related to your business, then you can easily get it published on hundreds of websites around the net. As with your forum participation, you should not try to directly sell your business or products. Rather, if you offer good information people will begin to respect you as an expert in your field and will click on the link to your site which is usually provided in the author-information at the end of your article.

5. Submit your site to directories related to your websites theme

In addition to the major search engines, you should look around and find directories that list sites in your field of activity. For example if you are a web designer, then you would want your site listed in directories of webmaster resources. To find these directories make a search online for something like this: pet supplies directory, pet suppliers directory and you will find strategic places where you can add your link. Just substitute your field for the term pet supplies.

6. Exchange links with complementary websites

One of the oldest forms of promotion on the Internet is the trading of links between two websites. Make a search for websites that are related to yours and propose an exchange of links with each of these sites. The process works faster and more efficiently if you place a link for the other site before requesting a link to your site.

7. Use paid advertisements

It takes time for some of the promotion methods to pay off. If you want to start doing business immediately, then you will have to pay for online advertising. The most effective way to do this is to participate in Googles Adwords program. The small advertisements that you see in the right hand column of the Google search results pages, and the advertisements that appear on many websites are placed by advertisers who pay each time someone clicks on the link. Go to to learn more about this program.

If you use a combination of these seven methods to promote your website, then you will be more than satisfied with the results.

Fei Lim owns and operates Flizard Technologies, , a firm that provides web hosting services, sells domain names, develops web applications, installs network hardware solutions, repairs computers, and designs websites.Juin Blog48982
Cigare Blog83552

How to Make an LED Light up Bottle

You can find lots of unusual things in bottles, ships and messages, so why not fill a bottle with LED lights? What a bright idea! This attractive bottle is a great talking point; it makes a nice table decoration or a festive night-light.

To make the LED light up bottle you will need...

A clear glass bottle, a meter or so of tinsel, a loo roll or kitchen towel tube, glitter, PVA glue, and a set of 20 LED lights. You can get these ready made from with a battery compartment from the '99p Store' on your local high street. Tech confident people could make their own from individual components. DO NOT use mains fairy lights, this is a fire hazard!

First wash out the bottle and remove all the labels. Use a nice smelling detergent to rid the bottle of any lingering odours from its previous contents. Leave the bottle to drain and dry out completely.

Take the LED lights and the Tinsel, use a small amount of selotape and stick the wire directly behind the last LED bulb (the bulb furthest away from the battery compartment) to the end of the strip of tinsel.

Twist the string of lights and the tinsel loosely together and carefully push the lights and tinsel into the bottle until the battery compartment rests on the neck of the bottle.

The loo roll or kitchen towel tube will become a fancy bottle stopper that covers the battery compartment.

Draw around the end of the tube onto a piece of card. A grocery box is great. Cut the disc out and push it into the end of the tube. Use a bit of selotape to hold it in place.

Cover the tube and end piece in PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter. Cover the cardboard completely so that it is no longer visible. Leave to dry.

Perch the battery compartment on top of the bottle and place the glitter bottle stopper over the top of it, so that it hides the batteries and part of the neck of the bottle.

S. Roberts write for a free educational resource packed with creative things to do and make including traditional, religious & 21-century activities. Visit for more fun stuff. SantasPostbag is in association with Together keeping Christmas magical. Jeanclaude Blog69121
Koralle Blog72013

Sneak Preview: Review of the Film Thr3e

This past weekend I had the privilege of attending the Christian Film Festival at the Waterworks cinema in Pittsburgh. One of the main attractions was the Film Thr3e, based upon the book by Ted Dekker. The movie will be released next January, so it was a real treat and privilege to see the film ahead of time, and I want to share my experience with you.

The story revolves around Kevin Parson, a 28-year old seminary student. Kevins life is thrown into turmoil when he finds himself to be the target of a notorious criminal, RK the riddle killer, whom we come to know as Slater. At the time, Kevin is working on a paper for seminary about the nature of evil, and Slater seems to be the very embodiment of what Kevin is writing about. When Kevin first encounters Slater, he is driving in his car and finds a mysterious cell phone in his passenger seat. It rings; Kevin picks up; and Slater tells Kevin that he has 3 minutes to solve the riddle what falls but does not break; what breaks but does not fall or else his car will blow up. Kevin is unable to solve the puzzle, and gets out of his car just seconds before it explodes. Slater continues to give Kevin a series of riddles to solve, and if he is unable to solve them, a bomb blows up destroying someone near to Kevin his childhood pet, a fellow seminary student, etc. !

Above all, Slater wants Kevin to confess some unknown sin, and calls him a guilty hypocrite for pretending to be a good person. Kevin is helped in his struggle by a childhood sweetheart, who seems to embody good just as much as Slater embodies evil, and a female FBI agent who begins to fall for Kevin. As the film progresses, we get glimpses into Kevins disturbing childhood and begin to guess as to what the sin might be. The end has a great surprise twist, so I wont give it away, but suffice it to say that it gives insight into human nature and the nature of evil.

As far as the plot went, there were a few implausibilities that bothered me a little bit. Not to give away too much, but there were a series of phone calls that were made between Kevins childhood sweetheart and the FBI agent, and once the surprise ending was revealed, it is hard to understand how those calls could have been made. Its a little bit of a stretch, the way it all fits together at the end, but the ending is still satisfying and insightful.

As far as the cinematography goes, most of the backdrops are darkly colored - even the events that take place outside. It reminded me a little bit of the Matrix, the way the dark hues permeate the film. The film is fast-paced, moving from one riddle to another. All in all, it was a satisfying film; it got a nice round of applause at the preview. I would give it 3 out of 4 stars. Look for the film this coming January in a theater near you.

Joshua Thompson has been writing songs since the age of 4 and has recorded 2 CDs. He is currently working on a third. Joshua plays drums, guitar, keys, percussion, and sings lead vocal. He currently has a website,, where he offers his services to turn your poem into a song.Donald Blog9516
Hermann Blog36852

Will & Grace (Season 4) DVD Review

Premiering in the Fall of 1998, Will & Grace has become one of the most celebrated shows of its time. Nominated for 49 Emmys, and winner of 12 (including Outstanding Comedy Series in 2000), the show follows the lives of two best friends who live together. With a plethora of other award nominations - 24 Golden Globes, 14 SAG Awards, and 6 People's Choice Awards, Will & Grace continues to light up the small screen with its unique brand of comic humor and groundbreaking sitcom format

Debra Messing stars in the role of Grace Adler, a straight interior designer who moves into an apartment with her best friend Will (Eric McCormack). Friends since college, Will is a successful lawyer who also happens to be gay (thus, keeping their relationship from becoming a permanent romantic one). Having dated before Will came out of the closet, the two maintain a more intimate relationship than mere casual friends. The comic sequences involving the two are complimented by Will's flamboyantly gay friend Jack McFarland (Sean Hayes) and Grace's sarcastic, alcoholic assistant Karen Walker (Megan Mullally)

The Will & Grace (Season 4) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere "The Third Wheel Gets the Grace" in which Will returns from vacation to find that Grace's relationship with her neighbor, Nathan, has steadily grown into something serious. But Nathan has a problem when Will and Grace's friendship seems to be closer than his relationship with Grace Other notable episodes from Season 4 include "Star-Spangled Banter" in which Will and Grace feud over their choice of candidates in the city's election for mayor, and "Cheatin' Trouble Blues" in which Will presents his parents with a surprise cruise for their anniversary, but is troubled to learn they are both involved in secret affairs

Below is a list of episodes included on the Will & Grace (Season 4) DVD:

Episode 72 (The Third Wheel Gets the Grace) Air Date: 09-27-2001
Episode 73 (Past & Presents) Air Date: 10-04-2001
Episode 74 (Crouching Father, Hidden Husband) Air Date: 10-11-2001
Episode 75 (Prison Blues) Air Date: 10-18-2001
Episode 76 (Loose Lips Sink Relationships) Air Date: 10-25-2001
Episode 77 (Rules of Engagement) Air Date: 11-01-2001
Episode 78 (Bed, Bath & Beyond) Air Date: 11-08-2001
Episode 79 (Star-Spangled Banter) Air Date: 11-15-2001
Episode 80 (Moveable Feast: Part 1) Air Date: 11-22-2001
Episode 81 (Moveable Feast: Part 2) Air Date: 11-22-2001
Episode 82 (Stakin' Care of Business) Air Date: 12-06-2001
Episode 83 (Jingle Balls) Air Date: 12-13-2001
Episode 84 (Whoa, Nelly) Air Date: 01-10-2002
Episode 85 (Grace in the Hole) Air Date: 01-17-2002
Episode 86 (Dyeing is Easy, Comedy is Hard) Air Date: 01-31-2002
Episode 87 (A Chorus Lie) Air Date: 02-07-2002
Episode 88 (Someone Old, Someplace New) Air Date: 02-28-2002
Episode 89 (Something Borrowed, Someone's Due) Air Date: 03-07-2002
Episode 90 (Cheatin' Trouble Blues) Air Date: 03-28-2002
Episode 91 (Went to a Garden Potty) Air Date: 04-04-2002
Episode 92 (He Shoots, They Snore) Air Date: 04-11-2002
Episode 93 (Wedding Balls) Air Date: 04-18-2002
Episode 94 (Fagel Attraction) Air Date: 04-25-2002
Episode 95 (Hocus Focus) Air Date: 05-02-2002
Episode 96 (A Buncha White Chicks Sittin' Around Talkin') Air Date: 05-09-2002
Episode 97 (A.I. Artificial Insemination: Part 1) Air Date: 05-16-2002
Episode 98 (A.I. Artificial Insemination: Part 2) Air Date: 05-16-2002

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog36852
Claude Blog91685

What You Need To Know About Computer Viruses

What, another computer security article? Who needs it? Aren't we tired of all that techie stuff that only geeks can comprehend? Virus my foot! But seriously. Computer security is an important topic and those who neglect it will surely get themselves in trouble sooner or later.

There is much confusion about what exactly a computer virus is. To many people a virus is simply any kind of bad thing that happens to their computer. This would be more or less correct around 1995, but since then several other threats have appeared and using a blanket term like 'virus' for all of them is misleading. Having said that, I don't mean any disrespect to the word 'virus'. After all, it is the granddaddy of all malicious software (or malware for short).

Old School Viruses

At first viruses were rather simple-minded, although dangerous at times. All they wanted was to enter your computer and destroy some data. Their favorite way of transmission was to attach themselves to otherwise harmless programs.


As "state of the art" viruses developed, a new breed came to the scene: worms. This charming name is used to describe a type of virus that not only infects the host machine, but also replicates itself over the network. In practice that means that a well-written worm can create real mayhem around the world in a matter of days. It is estimated that damage from some famous worms reaches billions of dollars.

Trojan Horses

Many programs, multimedia or other goodies can be found on the Internet. Often they are free and, let's face it, there are very few things that people like more than free stuff. The trouble with some free software is that it also comes with one or more viruses already included free of charge. Hence the name "Trojan Horse".

Are viruses good for my computer?

Absolutely! If you want to get rid of all that data clogging up your hard drive, a virus is a wonderful solution. If you want your spanking new computer to slow down to a crawl, then a virus is the way to go. If you're lucky, you may even get a worm which will not only help you clean up your computer from all those annoying files, but will also send a copy of itself to all your friends that it finds in your Outlook address book. In short, if you think that your computer is too fast and gives you too little trouble, a virus or two can really help!

Thankfully, you don't have to try too hard to get a virus. Simply connect an unprotected computer to the Internet for a few hours and let them come. That's all it takes.

Tips on How to Protect Yourself

Truth be told, viruses are not as hot as they used to be. It turns out that there's not much money in writing them. This of course doesn't mean that you should neglect the virus threat. There are quite a few dangerous viruses roaming the Internet. So keep your hard drive happy and don't let the viruses ruin your day. Here is what you can do:

1) Use a good antivirus program and update it regularly. Unfortunately, some antivirus products inflict more damage than actual viruses do. So, before getting an antivirus program, be sure to read some professional reviews and user feedback.

2) If you download software from the Internet, use only reputable sources. Scan the installation file with an antivirus program before running it.

3) Be very careful about opening email attachments. Be particularly vigilant if you use Microsoft Outlook.

Since you are reading this page, you are already in better shape than most computer users. So keep it this way and visit for more useful information.

Rick Glover is a computer consultant to Fortune 500 companies. He also occasionally writes for Blog49680
Lari Blog99727

Debt Reduction Your Simple 9 Step Plan

Debt reduction doesn't have to be an overwhelming experience. Who wants to deal with a cure that's more painful than the ailment? Mounting debt is stressful enough then you have to face the task of figuring out just where to start if you want to get rid of it. Then there are all the different angles of attack you can take and that just adds to the frustration.

So here's a simplified approach that will get you started in the right direction for debt reduction. After all, sometimes the simplest approach is the most effective. This 9 step plan can help you get out of debt and stay out.

1. Spend less than you make. Easier said than done, right? I agree, but this is the very first step in any debt reduction effort. And theres no getting around it. The only way to get out of debt is to spend less than you make. The key is to get determined to make it happen.

2. Make a budget. Your budget is your plan. Follow it and it will get you where you want to go. Most people dont like the budgeting part but its absolutely necessary. The key to a budget is dont make it too complicated. You dont need to account for every single penny.

To find your starting point, determine how much you spend each month and what you spend it on. Make a list of all your typical expenses you would have over a one month period. Then you see where you can make cuts and adjustments. Keep finding ways to reduce those expenses until you are spending less than you make. Laying it all out in a budget and sticking to it will help keep your spending under control.

3. Know the difference between good debt and bad debt. Good debt helps you make money in the long run or at least won't help you lose money. Your mortgage and student loans are examples of good debt. Your house usually appreciates over time and an education usually helps you get better paying jobs.

A car loan is neither good nor bad. They tend to be lower interest loans but cars typically don't appreciate in value. So the best thing is to make sure your car loan is manageable and fits within your budget.

All other debt is bad debt. This includes credit card debt, payday advances, and all high interest credit or loans. These are the things that dont appreciate in value and now that you have put them on credit or loan, you just continue to pay for them month after month in the form of interest. So you want to tackle these debts head on in your debt reduction efforts.

4. Choose the one credit card you have that has the lowest interest rate. Make sure the monthly spending limit is within your monthly budget and use this card for emergencies only. Then cut up the rest of your credit cards. Now that you have your lowest interest rate card, never take it with you when you go shopping. Use cash or your debit card only.

5. Take all your bills from your bad debt pile and spread them out where you can see them all. Find out how much you owe by adding up all the minimum monthly payments. You'll want to pay this and more each month in order to pay off all that bad debt. Make sure you don't just pay the minimum or it'll never go away. After all, the name of the game is debt reduction. If this doesnt realistically fit into your monthly budget, then step 6 will help tackle the problem.

6. Consolidate your debt. Getting a debt consolidation loan can make your debt reduction efforts much easier. First, it lumps all of your loans into one loan so your monthly payments are lower and fit within your budget. Second, you can probably get a much lower interest rate than what youre currently paying (especially on credit card debt). Third, it simplifies things. Debt consolidation bundles it all into one loan with one monthly payment which means its easier to keep on top of it.

7. Stack your bill payments. What is this? It happens to be one of the most important things you can do when it comes to debt reduction. Stacking (or snowballing) is a way of accelerating your effectiveness when paying off your debt. This is how it works.

Take your bad debt bills from step 5, and put them in order from highest interest rate charged to lowest. Choose the highest interest rate bill and pay the minimum plus as much extra as you can on that bill, while paying the minimum payments on the rest of the lower interest rate bills. Keep doing that until the highest interest rate bill is completely paid off. Then repeat the process with the next highest interest bill, paying the minimum plus as much extra as possible while paying the minimum payments on the rest of your lower interest rate bills. Because you no longer have that first bill to pay, the extra monthly savings help pay off the second highest bill even faster. Then just keep repeating until they are all paid off.

8. Ask for a lower interest rate. With each of your outstanding credit card bills, call the company and ask for a lower rate. You can explain that you are a loyal customer but you're being offered much lower rates from other companies. This includes the bills for the cards you have already cut up. They don't need to know that you cut up their card. The goal is to pay as little interest as possible while you are trying to get rid of the debt. That way you have more money each month for your debt reduction efforts.

9. Make sure you have enough for emergencies. It's great to be aggressively paying off your debt but you need to plan for the unexpected. You don't want to be on such a tight budget each month that it doesn't allow for a misstep. You need to be in a position where you can make your mortgage payment or car loan payment.

Each of these debt reduction steps is achievable if you put your mind to it. A little willpower and this 9 step plan and instead of stressing about your debts you may find yourself trying to figure out what to do with all your savings.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides debt consolidation and credit information and solutions.Horus Blog88381
Armand Blog66101

Visiting Dubai

Dubai has fascinated me for many years, and it turned out to be quite different from what I had imagined. I had thought of it as quaint back streets, full of souks, with camels everywhere, and baking hot. In other words that Dubai would be quite old fashioned, and so I got a major surprise when I got there.

Firstly how westernised the airport was, so that although I knew I was in the Middle East, because of the few people dressed in traditional garb, apart from that all international airports are much like each other. It took the lack of bacon at my first breakfast to make me realise I was in an Islamic country.

There are mosques all over the place in Dubai, and the calls to prayer all sound different, but I discovered they all in fact are saying the same things. Praying need not be in a mosque but the first prayer must be carried out before sunrise.

In so far as shopping, visiting banks etc you need to get used to a different way of life. There seems to be quite early opening, then a four hour closure in the middle of the day, followed by opening until quite late in the evening. Local shops in fact open quite late.

I found it quite strange to see a man in traditional arab dress climb into a Mercedes, and ladies covered from head to foot, suddenly uncovering a mobile phone, and speaking on it.

We were visiting the gold souk in the evening, and it got quite late, but we never in any way ever felt threatened, the only problem my wife had were the toilets. She had to use a squatting toilet, the hole in the ground variety, and the smell almost made her vomit. If caught short, find a western hotel seems to be the answer!!

Beware of the heat of the sun, because it is a dry heat it can be a lot hotter than you think, especially around a hotel pool, or walking around, so you must use a high factor sun cream or you will get burned.

You must go on one of the small boats that cross the creek, I think they are called Abra, it is very cheap, and an essential part of any visit to Dubai, or you can rent a boat for half an hour and go up and down the creek. It is one of the must do things in Dubai, as is a visit to The Gold Souk.

If you have never seen literally dozens and dozens of gold shops lining both sides of a street, all apparently selling identical wares, rings, necklaces and bracelets with no prices shown, it all comes as a bit of a shock!!

Prices are utterly dependent on weight, the current price of gold, and your ability to bargain!! Just dont accept the first price whatever you do, and for the European the gold being so pure, at least 18 carat, the color is a bit garish.

You will probably choose a beach hotel, if you are wise, but beware of the amount of building that is going on, both on shore and off shore, and the noise and dust. Some of the hotels arent as isolated as they appear in the brochures!! The hotel beaches are immaculate, and the water amazingly clean and clear, but you do have to go a bit out of town to the likes of the Jumeirah Beach.

Other things to do include The Wild Wadi Water Park, and trips into the desert, and of course the shopping, because prices here are very reasonable compared to home.

In conclusion Dubai is the ideal place to combine a city holiday with a beach holiday, and has pretty guaranteed sunshine. I wouldnt come for two weeks but 8-10 days would be ideal.

Ian Smith writes about hotels and places all over the world, so if you want to know more, then check out: Blog38606
Cretin Blog35243

Ensuring Data Protection

All of us require computers be it for personal use or work, or for some commercial purpose. For the same reason, it is important to take precautions because data is prone to leakage. The situation is most risky when you use the Internet as well.

Think about what you experience when you lose important data. You cannot even sleep properly if your data is lost. It is thus essential to have regular backups done.

Nobody wants their personal and confidential information to be disclosed over the Internet but unfortunately with the growing use of computers these days, data is no longer secure. The size of your organization or business is hardly a concern. It doesn't matter if you are using your computer at home or in office. The only concern is data protection. It is a great challenge in itself to protect confidential data. It is also important to be aware of what exactly are the reasons behind these data loss.

Various tools are available in the market these days in order to protect your valuable data. Some of these are backups, firewalls and various protection software packages for viruses.

Negligence by an employee is one of the other reasons for data leakage. Thus, it is considered therefore that employees can prevent a major portion of this data loss. If the employee is equipped with basic knowledge about computers and are honest while performing their tasks, lots of important data can be prevented from getting lost. If some strong security system is not implemented, employees generally take this for granted and work carelessly. This may mean that confidential data is lost.

Here are some methods that would help to protect your data:

Encryption: You can protect your data using a technique called encryption. In this technique, data is encrypted or is converted into some code, which can be decoded by only those who know the key or the related password. These days with the availability of so many data encryption software in the market, you can choose any one of them to ensure safe transaction of data.

Backups: Backing up your data is one of the tools that you should always use in order to avoid any sudden data loss. It is most effective in case of data loss due to a sudden power failure. If you are performing regular backups, these situations can easily be avoided. There is no specified interval during which you are expected to perform a backup. However, once in a week is the least limit, though thrice a week is normally advised to perform these backups. The best thing would be to ensure back up on a daily basis. Confidentiality of your data is the only criteria to set the limit for these backups.

Firewalls: A layered type of system is followed when it comes to security. An operating system may also serve as protector of data or else a firewall may be used. Through firewalls, nobody can access your system without your permission. This way, your data becomes much safer. It is recommended to update your computer at regular intervals to maintain security in a more consistent manner.

With this helpful information, you can ensure that your data is protected and not lost.

Scott Elliott owns and operates Data ProtectionJean Baptiste Blog51113
Aude Blog38606

Floral Art Tapestries In The Modern Home

If you are interested in adding an elegant touch to your home dcor without losing your contemporary edge, you might want to consider decorating your walls with floral tapestries. These classic works of art use various plants and flower arrangements to convey a timeless serenity, while at the same time allowing one the flexibility of incorporating modern accents into a design theme.

The right still life tapestry can blend seamlessly with a rooms furniture and accessories (such as lamps and other lighting fixtures), while at the same time providing the perfect visual enhancement to offset contemporary surroundings. Floral tapestries have a way of establishing a sense of balance in a room, perhaps because they remind us of an inherent need to be grounded in the natural and organic.

Why Are Flowers Contemporary?

At first glance, its easy to understand why some floral tapestries may almost seem unsuitable for the modern home. After all, many elaborate original tapestries were woven in centuries past and now reside in historical European museums. Cultures all over the world have embraced floral still life art for centuries in different ways, for different reasons.

But one could also argue that it is precisely this diversity of appreciation that has lent itself well to contemporary applications. Keep in mind that modern interior design tends to focus on creating space and light. If you choose a floral tapestry with bright and natural colors, the openness of the contemporary theme is highlighted.

Another way to understand the appeal of floral still life in contemporary culture is to understand the complex philosophical and sociological issues the modern world faces. For many, a floral tapestry can offer a metaphorical glimpse into the human condition. Flowers are often viewed as representing an inescapable frailty, while simultaneously providing a sense of hope and optimism.

A Wide Assortment of Choices

Incorporating floral still life tapestries into your contemporary design theme does not mean that you have to sacrifice individuality when developing a modern feel. In fact, quite the opposite is true.

The open, airy nature of many modern and post-modern themes means that the tapestry you choose can reflect whatever you want it to reflect. There are so many combinations and choices available on the market that you should have no problem finding a piece that not only encompasses your personality and individual style, but also retains the spacious, open characteristics of contemporary design.

The Ivy Column

Consider a portrait such as the Ivy Column tapestry, which combines all the significant elements of contemporary design into a vivid display of ambient surrealism. Sunlight shines on a country house with a stunning array of colorful foliage surrounding it.

The inclusion of the pond in this portrait only further solidifies the sense that all forms of nature are represented in the piece. In essence, this piece has it all that is, something for everyone.

Complexity in Openness

A range of complex personalities can be accurately represented in pieces such as the Ivory Mural tapestry, the Floral Decadence tapestry, and the classic Directoire tapestries. These remarkable works of art manage to capture the bright, cheerful colors associated with many contemporary designs, yet the intricate floral patterns and organic settings are likely to inspire and challenge the thinking persons awareness for years to come.

Beauty in Simplicity

On the other hand, some people believe less is more an equally valid assertion in modern design preferences. The Prestige (Dawn) tapestry and the Prestige (Midday) tapestry are both perfect examples of how the focus on a simple tree can speak volumes.

These tapestry portraits allow the imagination to run wild in the fantasy world depicted by the artists who developed them. The natural landscapes depicted in these pieces exist nowhere in the actual world, yet it is not at all difficult to image that they could. The viewer is drawn in to the simplicity of a single tree, yet the artist manages to capture other faint still life images of birds and plant life in the background. The approach is both subtle and effective.

Combining the Simple and the Complex

Perhaps among the most effective representations in floral tapestries are those which draw upon all of the elements we have discussed. For example, the Classical Rose tapestry is conceptually straightforward in essence, a vase of roses. Upon deeper examination, however, it becomes clear that the artists use of light and choice of background provide a depth and clarity to the piece that touches the soul on a much more substantive level.

Modern Dcor and Floral Tapestries

The elegant yet uncomplicated concept of a flower arrangement has been the motif of many still life artists throughout time. These works have been faithfully reproduced in the tapestry world, and they represent an incredible assortment of selections one can employ when developing a contemporary design theme. Floral still life tapestries can contribute to the bright and spacious nature of modern design, while at the same time providing viewers with an intriguing experience that requires an intensity of concentration to fully comprehend and appreciate.

Copyright © The Tapestry House, all rights reserved.

David Burr writes on a number of subjects for the Tapestry House including floral art.Lambda Blog27609
Jupiter Blog50502

The Real Deal Between Energy Drink Manufacturers And Consumers

Until now, there is still a continuous debate over those who are manufacturing energy drinks, their consumers and those that countering its use and effect on the body. Despite this fact, more and more kinds of energy drinks are being manufactured everyday. This is answer to the need of those people who are living a hectic lifestyle and need all the energy they can get.

This is one of the reasons why energy drinks have become the hottest thing ever to be manufactured. Everywhere you go, you will different kinds of energy drinks being sold. And it should not surprise you that you see consumers having one or two of these in hand.

Manufacturers of energy drinks were wise enough to present them in attractive colors, tasty flavors and fancy containers. Why a lot of persons are drawn to try out one in the first place is may be because of their appearances.

Another factor is the promise of additional energy that comes with taking these drinks. And this is besides the fact that you can get that without having to put on some calories or weight. Another plus factor to those who are body conscious and takes their diet seriously.

Energy drinks versus water.

One of the better uses for water is for good digestion and hydration. But when you need to do workouts and some hard work that make use of physical energy, water cannot substitute for the nutrients and energy that your body have lost in the process.

This is where energy drinks comes in handy. They replace the electrolyte that you lost through sweating. It can also quench the thirst you will feel on the duration of your activity. If you want to make it through the long hard day, energy drinks is the one you need.

Energy drink consumers.

Although there are a lot of people who are taking energy drinks because of its thirst quenching ability, energy drinks are highly advisable to those persons that are going through strenuous activity for long periods of time.

This is why athletes are the prime consumer of energy drinks. They are also the first person that energy drink manufacturers are approaching once they are in the process of presenting new products out in the market. Who can market their product better than those who need these energy drinks the most?

But then, athletes are not the only ones taking advantage of the benefits of energy drinks. More and more people that are doing physical labor and trying activities are turning to energy drinks for the needed supply of energy that cannot be found in other drinks.

Taking energy drinks.

The common misconception when taking energy drink is to drink them whenever they are thirsty already. According to manufacturers and experts on these drinks, that is not the perfect time. You may have already be dehydrated or tired that the energy drink will not be able to sustain for all these things immediately.

The best time to take energy drinks is when you are just starting or in the mid part of your activity. By the time you lose some of your energy, the supplied energy from the beverage will already be in the process of taking place.

As long as there are consumers in need of additional energy drive, you can expect new and more energy drinks to be manufactured and become a hit among those who need them the most.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on energy drinks, please visit Blog30430
Larry Blog26689

Take A Look at Car Video Systems

Do you find yourself on the road a lot? Do you go on those long road trips to go camping or visiting faraway relatives with your family? Long trips in your own car can really be boring and troublesome, especially if you travel with your family.

Children, especially young ones, can be really noisy and unruly if they become bored during a long trip. Trips like this can also endanger your family as it can be hard to concentrate on the road if your children are making that awful racket. Why dont you install a car video system in your vehicle to make your car trips much more enjoyable?

Car video systems come standard on newer vehicles like many other things these days. Anything from GPS to CD changers can be enjoyed right off the bat if you purchase an high-end vehicle. But if you dont have enough savings to buy a pricey vehicle, it would be cheaper to install it on the car you have right now.

I can understand if youre hesitant to install car video systems in your car. You might think that it probably will cost a lot. Well Its not as expensive as you might think. A year ago when I decided to buy a minivan, I also looked into car video systems available. I was thinking that it would really useful on a family oriented vehicle like a minivan. Too my surprise I found out that it only cost an additional two grand to have it installed in my car. Though it may still sound expensive its still worth the cost if car video systems help you survive those long and grueling road trips.

You can get a TV screen and DVD player when you invest in car video systems. I had no regrets with my decision to install one in my car. It really made a difference to those long road trips that I have to do ever year. I can now focus on the road without worrying about keeping the kids occupied. No more complains and crying from the backseats. My young ones eyes are focused on the cartoon characters doing whatever they do on the screen. Car video systems have really made long trips a lot more enjoyable for me and my family. We now look forward to more of these trips knowing fully that my family are all at ease inside the car.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Car Video Systems. Get more information by visiting Blog68197
Gabriel Blog43633

Oil Prices Approach Historic High

It has been announced that British Petroleum had to shut down an Alaskan oil field providing 8% of US crude oil production. Oil prices on the world market immediately surged to within pennies of their all-time high. Whats really going on? For an answer I look back to former President Richard Nixon. Privately Nixon who was smart, and as shrewd a man as any President in history use to talk to his friends about if there is a dollar to be made somewhere, than somebody is making it.

It does seem strange that for two consecutive years, the large multinational oil companies have had greater earnings, and free cash flow than in any period in history. At the same time, giant British Petroleum is clueless that they have corroded pipes that are about to take down 8% of Americas oil production. There is a dis-connect here of massive proportions, and nobody is thinking about it.

We all know the airlines are suffering. When you are hemorrhaging money, and the revenue just isnt coming in, its really tough for a company financially to maintain the maintenance programs that are vital to keep an airplane flying. This however is not the situation that British Petroleum or the other major multinationals find themselves in. The oil companies are PRINTING MONEY. They dont call oil BLACK GOLD for nothing.

Why would any oil company choose to skimp on maintenance? Why would BP be this dumb in their managerial policies? They have allowed a massive, and important pipeline to experience corrosion to the point where it has to be shut down? Listen up, when airlines fly a 747 airplane; each and every plane has to have its oil changed every so many miles or hours. The engines have to taken off the plane, and rebuilt every so many miles or flight hours. This is why planes are far more reliable than cars. The airlines make sure that this maintenance gets done or the Federal Aviation Agency will shut them down, no questions asked.

The President of the United States tours the world in Air Force One, which is a glorified version of a 747. The President actually has two of these planes identical to one another.

The Presidents planes are put on whats called a White Glove maintenance program. What this means is that the manufacturer, in this case Boeing wants the oil changed, and the engines ripped down every so flight hours. There are also scores of other items that must be done as well. Whatever the schedule is for whatever procedure, White Glove maintenance means the schedule is chopped in half. If Boeing wants an engine ripped apart every 500 hours, for Air Force One its every 250 hours.

Whats British Petroleums excuse for not maintaining the pipeline in a period of unprecedented earnings power, and monstrous unrestricted FREE CASH FLOW? Its certainly not stupidity. I have been involved with oil and oil stocks since 1978, and I am telling you that the people in the oil business are some of the smartest people on earth. Do you know how much oil a supertanker holds? These tankers can hold up to 2 million barrels (thats barrels, not gallons) of oil. The typical loss or spillage loading, and unloading a 2 million barrel tanker is no more than ONE TEASPOON of crude, thats how efficient these processes are.

It is unthinkable that a modern management team would allow a segment of the Alaskan pipeline to corrode. Corrosion is like metal fatigue in a helicopter. You dont wait for metal fatigue to become critical before dealing with replacing parts on helicopters. Todays chemical engineers know exactly how long it takes a pipe to corrode. The oil industry has more PhD chemical engineers than any industry on earth, and these guys are not asleep at the switch. It is up to you the reader to figure out how this happened, or could have been permitted to happen?

Oil is priced at the margin. This means, todays price is determined by the price of the last barrel that needs to be sold. It is not an average price, it is a marginal price. We are right now at the cusp of where demand equals supply. Even if you could bring another ten million barrels onto the market daily, we dont have the refining capacity to refine it. The last refinery in this country was built in the 1970s.

The Wall Street Journal reported in its cover story of August 8, 2006, that the oil industry .has been stymied in putting in .new refineries, by intense public opposition. This is absolutely untrue. I have not met an oil man (including CEOs of the majors) in the last ten years, who has expressed any interest whatsoever in creating a new refinery in this country. Big oil doesnt want to create new refineries.

As far as our leadership in Washington DC is concerned, this country has not had an oil policy in 30 years, thank you very much. If anything, Americas policies on oil, have been dictated by oil lobbyists paid to do oils bidding. The oil companies are not responsible for the high price of oil. OPEC sets the price, and big oil just tacks on their piece, and oh what a piece.

Richard Stoyecks background includes being a limited partner at Bear Stearns, Senior VP at Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, Arthur Andersen, and KPMG. Educated at Pace University, NYU, and Harvard University, today he runs Rockefeller Capital Partners and StocksAtBottom.comMangue Blog79817
Juin Blog48982

Cisco CCNA Certification Exams Retiring In November - Get Certified Now!

If youre working on the Cisco CCNA right now, or even thinking about it, there are changes coming to the CCNA program in November that you need to know about. No reason to worry, these changes are all good news for CCNA candidates.

And the first bit of good news is that you have plenty of time to take and pass the current CCNA exams. In this article, I will outline several advantages to taking the CCNA plunge now before these changes take effect.

The current CCNA exam (640-801) will not be phased out until November 6, which gives you more than enough time to get CCNA certified before then -- even if you havent started studying yet! Those of you who want to take the two-exam path to CCNA certification should know that the 640-811 ICND and 640-821 INTRO exams will be phased out on that same date.

Ciscos taking the approach that the CCNA certification is no longer an entry-level certification, and this is a welcome change for CCNAs and CCNA candidates alike. I have been writing CCNA ebooks and teaching CCNA courses for several years, and Ive always refused to call this an entry-level certification.

The new CCNA exam (640-802) looks to be even more demanding than the current exam, which is another reason to pick up the pace and get certified now! Here are just some of the new topics youll find on the 640-802 exam:

* Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
* Switch security
* IP Version 6
* Router security
* Virtual Private Networks
* Wireless routing and more

Add these to the topics already found on the current CCNA exam, and you can see that the new CCNA exam will be even more demanding than the current version.

If you choose the two-exam path for the CCNA certification after November 6, youll need to take two ICND exams ICND 1 (640-822) and ICND 2 (640-816). This is much tougher than the current path because the INTRO exam will be a thing of the past after November 6! (Passing the ICND 1 exam will earn you the new Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician certification, Ciscos new entry-level certification.)

The CCNA will be even more valuable with these changes, so again, even if youve even been thinking about earning the CCNA now is the time!

The new CCNA exams will actually be available on August 1, but again, I want to emphasize that the current CCNA exams will be available through November 6. My advice to those who want to get CCNA certified before the change is to book your exam now, make sure you choose the right exam number and get started studying!

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, is the owner of The Bryant Advantage ( Blog26447
Elisabeth Blog89775

Texas Holdem Strategy - Poker Terminology

For all you new players out there that are just getting in to poker, heres a list of common poker terms that you will need to know. These terms are good both online and in a normal card game with your buddies.

Limit Poker: This is poker with set limits. For example, a 1 dollar/2 dollar limit Holdem game only allows a raise a maximum of 2 dollars at a time before the flop until the river. This is the opposite of no limit Holdem where a player can raise any amount at any time.

Blind (Small blind/big blind): These are the ante for Texas Holdem Poker. The two players the left of the dealer must place the pre-determined amount before they have a chance to see the cards. If there is a raise and either of these players fail to call, their blind is forfeited.

Flop: this is the first three cards that are turned over after all bets have been made and or called.

Turn: This is the 4th card to be revealed in a game of Texas Holdem.

River: This is the last card to be revealed in a game of Texas Holdem.

Board Cards: These are the cards on the table that all players share and use to make their hands.

Position (early and late): This is where you are seated in comparison to the dealer button. Early position is the spot right after the big blind and strategically has the worst position on the board because this position must call before he knows what the other players will do. Late position is on or near the dealer button and is considered the best position because you get to see how the other players will act before you make a decision whether to play your hand or not.

Pre-flop: This is when all you have is the 2 cards in your hand and the cards on there have not been any community cards revealed.

Draw: A player is said to be on a draw if a player calls a bet in hopes that the next card will give him the winning hand. For example if a player has QK in his hand and the flop is 10 Jack 2, and the player calls a bet in hopes of a 9 or an Ace.

Outs: This is the number of cards that a player could draw in order to produce the winning hand. If the flop is QJ2 and a player has 10 9, he needs either a King or an 8 in order to complete a straight. There are 4 Kings and 4 eights in the deck leaving a total of 8 outs to make a straight.

Pot Odds: This is the ratio of how large of a bet you must call to the size of the pot. If you are clearly behind in a hand but your opponent bets 1 dollar at a 100 dollar pot. It is worth risking one more dollar to see the next card that might win you a 100. But say your opponent bet 120 dollars at a hundred dollar pot, and you dont have a hand, it is not worth calling 120 dollars to see the next card.

Shorthand: This is a game of poker that has less than 6 players.

Longhand: This is a game that has at least seven players involved.

If you are new to online poker, don't just jump in to high-stakes games. Start out at the free or small blind tables and progress up to higher stakes as you become more comfortable with the game. Some good sites for not only playing normal cash games, but also small nickle blind and free tables is and Good Luck!

For more articles about poker visit Texas Holdem Strategy.

Micheal Thorn is an avid poker player both online and in the poker rooms. He writes about anything and everything to do with poker. For more articles about poker visit Texas Holdem Strategy.Clemence Blog78354
Marc Blog52205

Your Own Business: The First Steps

What an exciting feeling you must be having at this time. You have finally made the choice to chuck it all and go into business for yourself. You dream of the freedom from your unreasonable boss and the wonderful feeling of writing your own paycheck. Its a lifelong journey that has to start at the first step the very beginning.

It is my goal to take everything all those books say and boil it down to a real action plan that is a simple as it can be. Basically making it like a recipe. You really dont need all that filler; you just need to know how to get started. A bunch of fluff isnt going to help; in fact it slows you down. Instead of reading, you should be doing!

This section will be those most difficult first steps of just getting started. Effectively launching your business and then growing it for success are their own unique steps in the future. For now, Ill have to assume you have an idea already and have researched it enough to know that it is a good idea and has a bunch of customers clamoring for your product or service. Please be sure you have a good quality product and/or superior service. You are not trying to make a quick buck; you want to have a business that lasts.

I also have to assume that you already have some sort of support network in place, trusted friends, professional advisors like accountants and/or lawyers, and a maybe a mentor with excellent opinions. If you dont have them, you can pick them up along the way. But youll need them all at some point.

You probably want to know what qualifies me for writing about this. Academically, I have an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Marketing. Professionally, I have been a consultant for many entrepreneurs, I worked at a home business franchise company for several years, and I have a few successful entrepreneurial ventures of my own. I even helped my own family launch a very successful online business,, selling premium pashmina and cashmere products. Im not a super rich entrepreneur, but Im successful and happy. My key expertise is online ecommerce, but the following ideas are relevant to starting any type of business.

How to Establish Your Business

This first part is really what most people dont know how to do. Its the fundamental process of actually setting up the business. All the good ideas in the world have to start at the beginning. Its not the fun part, but it has to be done.

It may seem elementary to you, but why havent you done it yet?

So, lets start from the start.

1) Giving Your Business a Name

Your business name is important. It is your customers first impression and your public identity. You probably want to choose a name that is professional, but also may hold some meaning to you and your potential customers. My personal and professional opinion is to not get too elaborate with your name. Make it simple and direct so you dont have to waste a lot of time branding or explaining to your customer just what it is you do or sell.

For example, for my familys business selling pashmina products, we decided to go with The Pashmina Store. There is no question what the business is. Simple and directand the URL was available (which is very important).

Most people have a desire to name their business after themselves, using something like their family name, their first name, or their initials. This is a perfectly acceptable; as long as you get the idea across about what it is you are selling. For example, if you are selling raincoats and your name is Smith, you may call your business Smiths Raincoats or even Raincoats by Smith.

Take the time you need to select on a business name that youre happy with, says what you do, and has a good URL for a website. You should run your name choices by your friends and family to gauge their reaction and to get their thoughts.

2) Register Your URL

I know, you just decided on a name and have nothing close to a legal business yet. But I suggest snapping up the best available URL (or web addresses) as soon as you can. In this day and age, your website and the URL will be a large part of you business identity. It will also be the source of your email addresses, so getting a good URL matters. We were lucky enough to get for the pashmina and cashmere business, I hope you are as fortunate for your venture.

It is best to investigate available URLs even as you decide on a company name. Try to get the URL of your exact business name, or as close as possible. I suggest getting a .com rather than .net or other since that is what most people know.

You can research names and register at websites such as and There is a small fee, but it is worth it if you are serious about your business. These two services even will help you inexpensively set up and host a website and email service.

3) Your Business Legal Organization

Next, you will have to determine what legal structure is best for your new business. Early in a business life, a sole proprietorship is most common. However, it is beneficial to know the different types of legal business structures before you decide for certain. Youll need to know all about them as you grow, in any event.

Youll most likely want to discuss the options with your accountant and/or attorney as well. To get you started, here are the three most common forms of business.

1. Proprietorship. As mentioned earlier, this is the most popular structure when starting a new small business. It is also the easiest to start. In most states and cities, all it typically requires is a D.B.A. (doing business as) and a tax ID number, which would likely be your Social Security number.

A proprietorship provides you the maximum amount of control over your businessbut it also leaves you the most potential liability. In short, you are personally accountable for your business and all of its debts and legal issues.

2. Partnership. This form of business is common if your business requires you to take on a business partner for expert knowledge or financial needs. A partnership is a legal definition of your business relationship and defines which party is responsible for what aspect of the business venture.

For example, you may be the engineering type who can make the product. Another person may be the talkative type who can sell sand in the desert. Yet another person may be the main financial backer. Whatever your circumstances, a partnership allows you to define each persons part in the business and put it down on paper in a legal manner.

3. Corporation. This is the most official and potentially complicated legal form of business. This is also the most expensive type of business entity, but it does provide everyone involved the least amount of liability.

It is very common to start as a proprietorship or partnership and then change to a corporation after the business is established and growing.

4) Business Registration

Again, most likely you will start as a sole proprietorship. The process is very simple and inexpensive. But the process can vary a bit between states and even cities and counties.

The goal here is to get your business name registered as a D.B.A, or doing business as. You will need this in most areas to open a business checking account. The fees are typically minimal, but vary on your location. Your County Registrar is most likely to be the office you will need to contact to ask about what the process is to get your D.B.A. The methods will vary by location and in some rare instances you may not even have to register. Just be sure to ask about all of the steps to make sure youre covered.

After you have made some calls or used the Internet to find out the steps in your area, you will most likely need to go fill out paperwork at the government office that handles the registration. The good news is that the paperwork is generally light and the wait is not too long. They or you will be responsible for checking to make sure the DBA name is not already taken, and in many cases you will be able to check on the Internet before you even go.

After the paperwork and name check, you will have to pay a fee, which is generally small. Once it is all done, be sure they give you a notarized copy of your registration as you will need it at the bank to open a business bank account and possibly for other things.

I wish to remind you that what I offer are general guidelines and information to help get you started. It is always a good idea to discuss your options with an accountant or lawyer to determine what is best for you and your individual circumstances.

5) Obtaining a Business Address

This is a step that you can skip if you simply plan to use your home address or an existing business location as your address. But in most cases, youll start working out of your home and probably wish to protect your privacy and create an aura of having a larger business by getting a new business address.

This process is as simple as going to the post office or a private mail box center (PMB) such as The UPS Store. I suggest a PMB over the post office because you can usually use a street address and list your box number as a suite to help create a more positive image versus having your address be a P.O. Box number.

6) Your Business Phone Numbers

Like the business address, you can skip this step if you plan on using an existing phone number. But you should consider adding a second phone number to your home or office to be used just for your new business. You can even get what is called an overlay and put a new phone number on top of your existing phone. It will go to the same phone as you have now, and in most cases you can assign a different ring tone so you know it is for the business.

A toll-free number is also an important item to have, but you dont have to have it right out of the gate. But studies show that customers are more likely to contact you if you have a toll-free number. They are not that expensive to set up and the charges are based on usage, so if you use it a lot you should be getting more than enough business to cover the expense.

Remember that you phone voice is important. Talk with a smile the customer can hear that smile. Be sure you have a pleasant and professional sounding message for your voice mail as well. And call back your customers who leave messages as fast as you can. Your competition probably isnt taking care of them fast, so you should.

7) Business Banking Account Formation

Having a separate business banking account is advised since it will help you keep your financial records straight. It will save you a lot of time during tax season to keep your business and personal spending separate. I suggest using a larger bank, such as Bank of America or Wells Fargo, which serves the business community. They will offer a wider range of services and possibly be a good source of business loans to help fund your growth.

You may want to call several banks in your area to compare their small business service options and the associated fees. Once you decide on the right bank for your needs, make sure you know what paperwork to take when you open the account. In most cases they will require at least your notarized D.B.A certificate.

8) Logos, Business Cards, Letterhead and Such

Some people may tell you to invest lots of money upfront to develop a great logo and then put it on expensive letterhead. These people have never started a business on a budget. While you do want to appear professional, you can do just fine with your own computer and printer while you wait to grow big enough to afford such materials.

Most likely your word processing program or other such program already has a letterhead template. That is fine to use for now. Choose a nice font for your new logo and use some color for it, if you wish. Do purchase some nice paper to put it on. Then simply print out as needed.

On your letterhead, make sure you get all of your important information across in a professional way. In general, youll want to include your business name, mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address.

The same goes for business cards and envelopes. You can buy nice envelopes and business card stock and use your existing program templates to create professional materials as needed.

Having a designed logo or company motto on your letterhead is a personal choice. Make sure it looks good and reflects the business. Also make sure it looks good when it is made very big or very small since it will be used in various formats.

The Next Steps

Once you finish Step 8, youre in basic business shape. It is difficult to tell you what to do next since there are so many types of business and different ways to go about it.

In general, youll need to start letting people know about your business and getting customers. This may mean developing a website that sells products or promotes your services. It can be as simple as handing out business cards to everyone you meet. Or maybe it is pounding the pavement and meeting people to tell them what you are doing.

But there are a few things to keep in mind that relate to any business. The Nike slogan has it right when they proclaim Just Do It. Nobody is coming to you, so you have to reach out to them. And it takes time and effort. Yes, you do have to work and sell no matter what those advertisements may promise for their wonderful business opportunity.

Heres the secret to success: You will have to work harder than your competition, treat your customers better than your competition, offer a better product and or service than your competition, just plain be better than the rest. Yes, that is the secret!

My first job out of college was as an executive recruiter, a headhunter. I was successful at this job. In fact, I was one of the tops in the nation. It wasnt because I was naturally better than anyone else, it was because I worked harder and I worked consistently. Have a plan for the day, the week, the month, the yearand do it consistently. Get into a routine and stick to it. Youll get sidetracked along the way, of course, but keeping your efforts consistent will pay off. Youll make you own luck.

Since you are your own boss, you do have a little luxury to make a schedule that fits your lifestyle. If you want to start at 10:00 AM, or play golf for lunch, or work late at night, that is fine. But stick to the schedule and make it your routine. This will help you get over the initial feelings of being scared and overwhelmed and start getting you comfortable with your new professional life and on your way to success.

Along the way, youll start to discover what your strengths and weaknesses are. You dont have to be an expert at anything really; you just have to be average to above-average at a lot of things as an entrepreneur. If there are glaring weaknesses in you business skills, you simply have to work at them. You can read a book, take a class, whateverbut youll naturally get better each and every day just by doing your business.

Finally, do not get so frustrated in the beginning that you quit before you even get started. Depending on what you start with and what (or who) you already know it is going to take some time. Even minimal success is probably going to take several months and maybe a year or more. Make sure you are mentally and financially ready for at least a year.

If youre not ready now, dont worry. You now know the steps and what to expect to even get started. It is better to take you time and be well-prepared than to rush off and make a mistake that you will regret for years to come.

Launching and growing your business are the essential main steps 2 and 3. But those are whole other beasts that are best discussed at another time. Until then, I wish you the best of luck and hope that your new business is an incredible success.

Blair Rhodes is an entrepreneur who has helped many other people set up their own successful franchises and unique businesses. Hi specialty is micro-businesses in import export and online retailing. His company The Pashmina Store, located at, is one of North America's leading online specialty retailers of cashmere and pashmina wool items.Edith Blog68713
Gildas Blog40015

Get To Know More About Door Locks

Door is probably the most important part of the house as all of us already aware of. This is because door provides privacy and security for all members in family, as doors is the part that easily access. And of course only door itself could not provide enough security without having good quality door lock, if you can not provide the good quality door locks and make sure that it functions properly, so you and your family may in danger. In the next article, we are going to learn some basic type of door locks and a bit of tips how to choose the right ones for your house.

You may hear of information that these days, most of buildings and houses has no locks for its external doors. This may take the residence in high risk if there is an intruder want to access to the building. As the building requires no standard of door locks, so it is depends on your consideration whether you want to have a door lock for external door, if so, do not wait for too long. Lets upgrade the door to make sure that you receive maximum security for yourself and for all members of the family. It is very essential for you to know some basic types of door locks so you will be able to choose the right one. Basic types of door locks could be described as follow;

Type1: Chain door lock

This type is very popular and widely used. There is a short small chain attached between door panel and door frame. Chain attached to both side by screw. This kind of lock is generally used in houses and the people who are inside the house can see who the outside of the door is. The main point that you have to consider when choosing chain lock is the size of chain, which you have to make sure that provide enough security. However, there is a strong advice that this type of lock should not be used as main method of security.

Type2: Deadbolts lock

Deadbolt lock is known as the lock that provide maximum security in the market. So it is mostly used where requires extreme security such as exterior doors. You may find that many of houses use this type of locks because it is very convenient. Generally, there are two types of deadbolt lock, one is the single cylinder and two is double cylinder. The single cylinder one is the type that we can see in many of houses, a person have to use a key to release the lock from outside meanwhile the person inside can turn a door knob to secure the lock. The two- cylinder type requires key to release the lock from both side.

Type3: Wedges lock

Wedges is classified as an extended lock for door. While you are using deadbolt lock as a main lock, you may have wedges lock installed to increase security. Wedges lock is a kind of rubber triangle can be wedged under the door in order to protect the door to open too wide. This type of lock is widely used with interior doors that require less security such as bathroom or bedroom.

From reading through the detail so now you may have learnt the information of type of door locks. However, it is necessary to find more information and learn from it to make sure that you have enough knowledge to buy suitable ones.

Cherdkiat Taesookavat is an architect, providing information and directories about home decor, please visit Blog87916
Hermes Blog88673

Monday, February 4, 2008

Buying a New Home, Paying For College and Starting a New Business Has Never Been So Easy!

A Government Grant is an aid program specially designed for helping those who have financial difficulties and cannot achieve, due to lack of finance, certain goals the government is interested to promote.

Government Grants Explained

Though there are many different government grants for a lot of purposes, as noted in the first paragraph, most of them concentrate on three goals: Helping people start their new business, helping people pay their way through school or college and helping people buy their first home.

Grants are provided by government agencies all over the country and at all levels of administration: There are Federal Government Grants, State Government Grants and Local Government Grants.

Each agency has its own requirements and though qualification is not as difficult as it may seem, the truth is that you need to be informed in order to successfully apply for a Government Grant without fear of being declined.

Grants amounts range from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. As the loan amount gets higher, it becomes increasingly difficult to qualify for. So you ought to know the requirements beforehand and apply as early as possible. It is known that most Government Grants are granted on a first arrived, first served basis, so timing is a very important issue not to be bypassed.

The smartest thing to do is, by analyzing grants requirements, to select the Government Grant you are best qualified for and concentrate on applying to it. There are certain grants restricted to citizens of certain states or towns. Others are restricted for those working on certain fields or for those coming from certain economic conditions.

Government Grants Purposes

The main help grants provide is focus on aiding those who want to buy a new house or rent. Real State agents are fully aware of these programs and should be questioned about them when their services are hired. Most applicants qualify for this kind of aid though they usually ignore it, so dont hesitate to ask your realtor about the government grant programs and ask them for help. Your real estate agent is more than capable of helping you fill all the paperwork so you can effectively apply for Government Grant.

Another use of Government Grants is paying for college. College fees have increased over the years and it has become increasingly difficult to afford college education, especially for those whose income has remained untouched. There are mainly federal grants and loans for those starting college and some, but not many, specific estate grants available too.

When it comes to starting a new business, government grants are of a great help for those who are working in a field the government is especially interested to develop. Government grants are mainly destined in this case to acquire machinery, supplies, pay for salaries for a certain period of time, etc. Generally speaking business government grants provide the finance needed for a business to get started and become independent. There are also grants for helping undertake international business transactions.

Do Your Research

Should you decide to apply for a Government Grant, there is a lot of information on the internet. Take your time to do a thorough research, take note of those grants you think you qualify for and contact the agencies to get further information and all the documentation you need to fill. If time is an issue there are some sites that provide access to all this information without having to search all over the net. They usually charge a small fee though, but worth every cent since youll be saving time and money.

Bryan Quinn is a financial advisor with more than thirty years of experience in the field of finance who aids people undergoing financial problems and helps them obtain personal loans, home loans, student loans and grants, consolidation loans, car loans and many other financial products regardless of their credit situation. For more smart tips on Home Loans you can visit and also learn more about other financial options.Jean Pierre Blog72696
Apotre Blog27560

Human Capital and The War For Talent

It is clear from experience, as well as the vast amounts of information available to employers that the demographics of the global workforce are changing. Patterns of migration, issues of diversity and social or educational development are presenting employers the world over with an increasingly difficult and important challenge - where their talent will come from in the future.

An advantage in the recruitment market

In 2008 a large proportion of baby boomers are set to retire, and according to large consultancies like Deloitte and BearingPoint, there will be fewer graduates with the "right critical skills entering the market" who can act as "ready replacements" for those skilled and experienced employees leaving the market. This ensures the war for talent continues to rage as companies compete for the right Human Capital asset to give them the advantage in their market.

In a bid to win the war for talent, companies are increasingly developing more creative employer brands, talent acquisition strategies and retention plans. They are looking at a broader spectrum of factors, other than just salary and security, to attract people into their business and to keep them there. Those entering the employment market are no longer looking for that job for life, nor are they necessarily motivated by pay alone. This places factors like Corporate and Social Responsibility, flexible working, personal development and total reward much higher up on the agenda.

Not bad for a McJob

One high profile example of a corporation tackling their employer brand head-on is McDonalds, who rely on a steady supply of Human Capital to give their business and their brand life. After the term "McJob" appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary, being described as having low pay and poor prospects, McDonalds responded in 2006 with the challenging "Not bad for a McJob" campaign.

The McDonalds fight-back campaign featured posters including examples of health policies, flexible working hours and prospects for promotion, with the objective of improving their public image as an employer of choice and ensuring their employees felt "McRespected" and "McValued".

McDonalds represents an extreme example, but other companies across the world dedicate much time and resource to winning coveted places in top employer listings, such as the Sunday Times Top 100 Companies to Work For in the UK and the 50 Best Employers to work for in Canada. And, according to Sheffield University, its a case of "Who Cares Wins" in todays job market.

Now and into the future

Which organisations continue to win the war for talent will be based on many factors, and the demographics of the global work force arent going to stand still while businesses try and catch up. This makes having a transparent, consistent and strong employer brand essential, because it allows employers to align their talent acquisition and retention strategies to their corporate values. It also allows companies to project into the market a clear image of themselves, which a potential employee can buy-in to.

Whether its encouraging the aging workforce to remain motivated and continue working, whether its making the differentiation between themselves and the competition clearer to the smaller pool of Human Capital that do have the skills and abilities needed, or whether its continuing to drive a volume of employees into specific market sectors - strong recruitment campaigns, imaginative retention strategies, employee engagement initiatives, flexible benefits and work/life balance can be key ingredients in attracting and retaining talent now and into the future.

Penny DeValkEnclumes Blog90960
Lanni Blog17034

Healthy Weight Loss Program: Your Personal Exercise Prescription

A fat burning exercise prescription is a MUST for the long term success of any healthy weight loss program. Guidelines for healthy weight loss related to exercise and physical activity have been steadily improving over the last 20 years.

Along with the 1996 Surgeon General's recommendations, the American College of Sports Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association have all issued statements on the importance of regular physical exercise in a healthy weight loss program.

The diet industry also endorses exercise as a beneficial component in any healthy weight loss plan.

In fact, look at the disclaimers of any fad diet, special weight loss pill, or fat reducing fruit nectar and you'll see where, in addition to the "unbelievable benefits" of their product, the practice of proper nutrition and consistent aerobic exercise are highly recommended to achieve optimal healthy weight loss results.

In other words, these companies are telling you that eating right and the incorporation of moderate aerobic exercise have more to do with the overall outcome of the healthy weight loss plan than does their "miracle pill".


1. Determine your age adjusted maximum heart rate (220 your age = maximum heart rate)

2. Determine your optimum fat burning exercise heart rate range (maximum heart rate x .6 = minimum heart rate; maximum exercise heart rate x .75 = maximum exercise heart rate

3. Exercise for 30 minutes, 3 times per week, keeping your heart rat between 60% and 75% of your age adjusted maximum heart rate.

4. Perform the flexibility exercises listed below 2 3 times per week.

Exercise Prescription

Exercise, by definition, means purposeful movement. Although many kinds of exercise exist, certain exercises may not be necessarily therapeutic for you. Remember, an exercise prescription is just that; its a prescription. Very little benefit will be obtained with nonspecific, over the counter exercise programs. Your understanding of the purpose, principles, and adherence to each prescribed exercise technique will be essential to the development of a positive outcome.

The purposes of an exercise prescription are to:

1. Increase muscular flexibility
2. Normalize and balance muscle tone by increasing oxygen rich blood flow to the tissue
3. Integrate muscle activity
4. Restoration of functional movement
5. Restoration of functional muscle strength and endurance

The exercise principles listed below serve as a guideline for proper application. Study the principles carefully in order to maximize the effectiveness of your exercise program.

Exercises designed to improve flexibility should be performed several times per day. Each exercise should be held for 30-60 seconds to allow the tissue to elongate.

Exercise prescribed to improve strength, mobility, and endurance should be performed at a pace that would enable you to complete the prescribed number of repetitions in one minute. If multiple sets are prescribed for each exercise session, a 90 second rest interval should follow each set.

Never hold your breath during exercise. Your therapist will instruct you in the proper breathing technique that will facilitate a better exercise outcome.

You may experience a slight ache or discomfort following your first or second exercise session. This is a normal reaction referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and should go away in a day or so. This type of muscle soreness is not a cause for stopping your exercise program.

If the exercise reproduces a specific pain or makes an already existing pain become more widespread, stop the exercise and inform your physician immediately.

Allow yourself enough time to complete the exercise as prescribed. Exercise sessions that are rushed through with little attention paid to technique will be ineffective and will prolong your symptoms. If time becomes an issue, perform a few repetitions several times throughout the day.

Dont be in a hurry to advance to more strenuous exercise. Remember that tissue adaptation to new forms of stress takes time. In some cases it took years for your condition to develop. It is unrealistic to expect that the condition will be resolved after just a few exercise sessions. Compliance with your prescribed program and patience will result in the desired outcome.

In combination with a healthy diet and nutrition plan, a fat burning exercise prescription is a necessary component of any healthy weight loss program.

Before beginning any healthy weigh loss program, it is strongly advised that you consult with your physician.

Do you want to learn more about a fat burning exercise prescription as a part of a healthy weight loss program? I've just finished a new ebook on how you can get lasting weight loss results utilizing "The 10 Step Permanent Weight Loss Formula". Get it FREE by clicking the links below.

More healthy weight loss program advice can be found at

For the past 25 years Malton Schexneider has been a practicing physical therapist, a nationally known educator, a former university professor, a published author, a clinical specialist in orthopedic physical therapy, and personal success coach to thousands of people just like you who were seeking lifestyle transformation.Leeanne Blog73247
Landry Blog8240