Clarisse Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mind Over Matter

Mind over matter could mean the difference between winning and losing.

To be a winner you must think like a winner and believe with all your heart that you are a winner.

If you have the slightest doubts as to your ability to win then forget about what ever project you are thinking about.

Your state of mind is the centre of your being, if you have a strong belief in yourself plus the desire to succeed you will succeed.

If you think you are beaten, you are,

If you think you dare not, you don't,

If you want to win but you think you can't,

It is almost certain you won't,

Mind over matter. If your thoughts run along those lines above you are a loser, and you will stay a loser, unless you take the decision to change your state of mind.

You might be at your wits end without a cent to your name and because of this state you are at a low ebb.

Your mind is telling you that you are finished and your life will never change for the better.

You must start off by realising that you have reached the bottom of the pit and the only way you can go now is up.

It may be slow, but it must be sure.

Start imagining that you have loads of money and work out what you will do with the money, straight away your mind will start lighten.

This is the day when you must take the decision to start on that road upwards.

You must desire something, and I mean really desire it. It might be a job, or a way to start making money, you need to get your self esteem back in order.

Start by believing in yourself, You are as good as the next person and if they can do it so can you.

Get a pen and paper and sit down and write a list of all the things you can do and the things you think, you can do.

One of the easiest ways to get started for a man who is out of work and down to his last cent is this. ( this idea just sprang into my mind)

First of all spruce yourself up. If you feel good about yourself it will show through. Walk out of of your front door and take a stroll about your local neighbourhood or even a bit further.

Take note of the gardens in the area, many of them will be in need of a bit of care and attention due probably because the owners are working full time or to elderly to work in the gardens.

Jot down streets and numbers where you think the owners might appreciate some help.

When you have a reasonable list go home and begin working on leaflet you can easily deliver by hand.

You just need to say you are available for keeping gardens neat and tidy or any small odd jobs that require doing.

You do not have to be a landscape gardener or have any experience, just general common sense and the willingness to work is all that is needed.

You could make a starting out offer that can't be refused such as two hours work for the price of one for the first job.

As you know everyone is doing just that in a bid to win over the competition.

You will not be in competition but it will show prospective employers that you are really willing and keen.

This may not be the start you imagined but remember from little acorns oak trees grow.

It could snowball and you could find yourself employing others to do the jobs while you sit at home doing the office work.

That is just an instance, an idea that sprang into my mind on how you could start from having nothing to building up a business.

These ideas can work if you really desire to become a man of substance, only you can make them work but you must have faith in yourself and believe you are a winner.

It is mind over matter, repeat these words daily till you really start to believe in them.

(My name is xxxxxx, I am a winner and I will succeed with anything I set my mind to, I am going to be a success and a leader of men.)

Repeat this to yourself two or three times a day until it is deeply embedded in your mind.

Keep looking at the list you have written on things you can do, or things you believe you can do and some idea will be born in your mind on what you should do

Remember that saying, from little acorns huge oak trees grow. What ever you start even if it is not the sort of job you envisaged, like cleaning windows, walking dogs, baby sitting, doing odd jobs, cleaning cars, any thing that can be started from scratch without a cent in the kitty.

It can grow into a big concern if you believe you are a winner.

Sylvia White is a home business Mentor and webmaster of Horus Blog22463
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